a flowering fall
Stop and wear some roses.
The combined effects of shorter days, colder weather, and a pandemic are sure to trigger the ‘s.a.d’ in us. Whether or not you experience what is known as seasonal affective disorder - depression triggered by the brain’s chemical response to shorter days and less daylight, the fall/winter months can certainly take a toll on our bodies and attitudes. We tend to feverishly count down the days until Springtime comes again.
Interestingly, this pandemic forced us to be shut in our homes for months during springtime last year. I wonder how many of us hoped that we would have enjoyed more of the fall/winter months, given life’s uncertainty at the time. One of the more important lessons that 2020 taught me was to stop waiting for a better time to have a better time. Make the most of the moments you have to enjoy life and put your dreams to action; this blog is an example of that.
Every early October, I begrudgingly pull out my bulky neutral-toned sweaters to get ready for the harsh fall/winter season. But as I look out my window each morning, staring at bare trees and my backyard that lies dormant, I realized that we still need flowers. Perhaps while the roses and tulips from the ground take their slumber, we can be the most alive - feeling colorful and blooming everywhere we go. ■
Blouse: old; skirt: Alfani; shoes: Jessica Simpson; earrings: Amazon